Hi! I'm Kelly
Mom, wife, friend, author, writer, storyteller, videographer, graphic designer, content creator and social media manager. That's a lot of titles for one person!
Who I am, at my core, is a kind-hearted person who wants others to succeed.
My "Why"
My girls are my "why". Why I risked everything by quitting my super cushy 9-5 job. They're why I took the leap into entrepreneur life. I want to walk them to school, listen to how their day was, and still put a roof over their heads and food on the table.
Family First Policy
I have a "family first" policy - and that goes for my clients as well. If your kids or family needs you, there's no judgements and no questions asked other than "how can I help?" This is important to me.
I whole heartedly believe that we work to live, not the other way around. With that said, I am fully committed to my clients and sometimes that means I'm up sending emails at 11 p.m. or editing the next social media post at midnight because I had my hands full of sick children all day. I always manage to get it done. It just may not be during your work hours. And that's okay! I fully encourage and respect work/life boundaries.
So, what makes me qualified? Well, education is a great place to start. I have an undergraduate degree from Wilfrid Laurier University, a post-graduate certificate in Corporate Communications Management from Seneca College, and a Master's Degree in Strategic Communications from the Lancashire Business School at the University of Central Lancashire in England (ask me about my travels through Europe!) I spent all of my 20's and half of my 30's working in a very structured corporate environment, mainly in finance and not for profit sectors. It wasn't until after I had my children, and after a global pandemic did I realize that this life that I had worked so hard for just wasn't working for me anymore. So, I quit.
I know... I know. That sounds rash! Trust me, I'm not that impulsive! I spent a few years building up my own community online, and then over a year building up a side hustle into what KBC is now. I poured everything I had into my clients, and then people started to notice and word started to spread. Quickly I had a full roster of clients and I could finally take a deep breath and leap.
What Drives Me
My passion is to help women entrepreneurs succeed by taking a small piece of their business off their plates. By managing their digital brand and reputation, I'm able to help them grow their business by showing others *who* they are.
I am your content buddy. Your hype girl. I bring the ideas. I listen to where you want to take your business, and I try and find digital solutions to help you get there. I build websites, create logos, design social media posts, edit photos & videos, organize photoshoots, plan client events, and provide engagement to your community and dream clients.
I do it all, so you can get back to doing what you do best.